Core Set 2021 Prerelease

June 26, 2020 @ 3:00 pm – July 2, 2020 @ 11:00 pm
Heroes and Horrors Games
1215 Main St unit B
Windsor, CO 80550
970 833 5128

It’s Magic Time!

Teferi has summoned some of Magic’s most iconic throwbacks alongside powerful new cards for a set too epic for just one timeline. Draw your power from the source with Core Set 2021.

Whether you’re a spell-slinging veteran or totally new to the game, there’s never been a better time to play!

You’ll experience the thrill of opening Core Set 2021 cards for the first time with other Magic players who enjoy the game just as much as you. Everything you’ll need to play will be provided as part of your entry fee—you simply show up and play!

Prereleases are Sealed Deck format events, where you build a minimum 40-card minimum deck using the contents of a themed Prerelease Pack.

After you build your deck, you’ll be randomly paired with another player for a best two of three match. Once each round ends you’ll report who won and be paired up with a different player.

The Core Set 2021 Prerelease Pack contents:

-6 Core Set 2021 booster packs
-One Foil Core Set 2021 promo card from among the rares and mythic cards of the set.
-Spindown life counter

Core Set 2021 prerelease
Entry fee is $30.
8 people maximum per time slot
3 rounds
Each player adds 2 packs to prize pool. Winner will also receive their choice of playmat.
50% nonrefundable deposit required to reserve your space. Do not sign up if you can’t make it. Call the store at 970 833 5128 or sign up in person. Maximum of 3 entries per person.

Time Slots:  Friday June 26th 3-7p, 7:3o-11:30p, Saturday June 27th 12:15-4:15a (midnight Fri.), 1-5p, 5:30-9:30p, Sunday June 28th 1-5p, 5:30-9:30p, Tuesday June 30th 2:30-6:30p*, 7-11p*, Wednesday July 1st 2:30-6:30p*, 7-11p*, Thursday July 2nd 2:30-6:30p*, 7-11p*

Have a group you want to play with? Reserve a time slot for your group by placing a $120 deposit. Select time slots only (*).
By signing up you agree to the rules and that the rules are subject to change. Failure to follow these rules will get you sent home.

This is a special prerelease because of the corona virus. There are special rules in place:
-sanitize or wash your hands upon entry
-face mask required. It must cover your nose & mouth at all times.
-no playmats, new sleeves only
-do not touch other players cards
-no food or drinks
-do not wander around the store. If you need to make a purchase do it before or after the event.