MTG – Saturday Standard Showdown

November 26, 2016 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Heroes and Horrors Games
1215 Main St
Windsor, CO 80550
en_standard_showdown_facebook_coverphotoBring your favorite Standard deck for the chance to win some awesome prizes!
Each week of Showdown we will have 10 special 3 card booster packs to give away. These packs contain one premium card which could include a Masterpiece Series Kaladesh Invention or Zendikar Expedition plus two other rare and/or mythic cards from standard legal sets*.
Every undefeated player will receive one Standard Showdown booster.
The other booster packs can be awarded as follows (in order of priority, on a first earned, first given basis):
– Bring a player who has never played in an FLGS event before, and you both play through the entire event, you each get a Showdown booster.
– Newcomer? Come out to the store for the first time on your own and play through the event, you get a Showdown booster.
– Play in and through to completion in every Showdown you get a booster.
– any remaining boosters, they will be given out to the players who showed up for the most Showdowns with ties being broken based our current in-store League standings
Pack and a half prize support is included in the $5 entry fee.
Format: Standard Swiss
8-16 Players: 3 rounds 16+: 4 rounds
Start Time: 5pm
Entry: $5
(* Oath of the Gatewatch cards only appear in the premium slot)

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